Vission & Mission

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Vission & Mission

Dayanand Arya Vedic Public School is for inner light integration and prosperity through education. At the Dayanand Arya Vedic Public School students are encouraged to learn and follow these values –

  • Self-discipline
  • Multiculturalism
  • Morality
  • Leadership skills
  • Creativity
  • Goal setting
  • Communication
  • Meditation
  • Time management
  • Tolerance of different religions
  • Love for the country
  • Preservation of environment.


Through a rich curricular and extra-curricular programme and strong link with the community, we will help each child to discover and develop their talents and interest. We believe in collective ownership and developing leadership throughout the institution. We will use every appropriate opportunity to unify our school and develop a whole culture


We aim to put our children at the centre of their own learning and place great emphasis on nurturing skills and attitudes such as resourcefulness, resilience and co-operation. Our teachers bring the National Curriculum (CBSE) alive by making links between the individual subjects and applying them to topics.


Every week, each class teacher spends half a day outside of their teaching duties to concentrate on lesson planning and evaluating their pupils' learning. All of the teachers who provide cover for these half days are experts in specialist subjects.


Our school has an “in it together” attitude to learning. We believe in letting parents and guardians know what and how we are learning. We encourage two way dialogue between school and home and support this through PTM (Parents Teachers Meetings), workshop meetings, curriculum information, 'learning diaries' such as reading Record Books and invitations to many of our assemblies. We also believe that homework can help reinforce what we learn at school. All our children get home work but our teachers are careful to make sure that it is kept to an appropriate level.